Who: Davis Senseman – Attorney
What We Talked About: Having a will for your business. One thing is guaranteed, one day, you and I will pass on. It’s something most people don’t want to talk about, but really, what happens to your business when you die? Wouldn’t you like to be able to leave it to someone and wouldn’t you like it to continue to grow after you’re gone? In this interview, Davis reveals how to get started on a business will.
Why I Like Davis: She is very practical and reasonable. If you ask her a question, you get a straight answer. She doesn’t muck around. In spite of her practicality, she has a personable, warm demeanor that helps you feel like you could ask her anything.
Great Line: Don’t be afraid to ask an attorney to give you an estimate.
Where to Learn More: http://www.davismeansbusiness.com