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How to Make Money Online

Who:  Dana Wilde – Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of The Mind Aware Show

What This Show is About: 

Do you want to make money online?  A listener wrote in with a brilliant question today.  She asked, “Can you please teach me what is the secret sauce recipe for making money from online courses?”  Dana’s answer may surprise you!  

The Mind Aware Show is Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs.  Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business.  Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This show is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana:

Please check out our episode notes below…

02.40 – Find out the TWO WORDS you need to know for making money with online courses (or ANYTHING else!).

03.30 – Discover the main DIFFERENCE between those who are successful and those who haven’t attained success yet.

04.00 – Learn how to GENERATE success through your emotions and feelings.

04.33 – Listen in to discover an EXERCISE to help you with being in a state of KNOWING (this is like a feeling of emotional “sureness.”)

08.05 – Tune in here to find out PART 2 of the exercise.  (This one will make you smile!)

09.25 – Find out PART 3 of the exercise here (this relates to your VERBIAGE).

10.43 – Learn what starts to happen when you begin SHIFTING your verbiage and doing this exercise.

11.00 – BONUS TIP!

12.40 – Discover how we can talk about the FUTURE in terms of NOW.

Where to Learn More:

Thank you for sharing!

We have launched a PRIVATE club for top Brain Trainers! It’s a place where you can share ideas, tips, and stories and learn from others how to make money by being happy and getting paid for being YOU! Check out The Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club HERE!