Who: Dana Wilde – Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs
What This Show is About: How to Shift Your Limiting “Stories.”
This hypnotherapist doesn’t like marketing or social media and is having trouble attracting the right clients. Dana reveals how to bust these stories or your own.
Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: https://danawilde.com/askdana
In today’s episode….
- Discover the ONE QUESTION you can ask do uncover your limiting stories.
- Find out how to TURN AROUND a limiting belief so your brain matches the new belief.
- Learn the criteria you must meet if you are going to shift a limiting belief QUICKLY.
Resources from this episode…
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CLICK HERE for the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.
Where to Learn More: https://danawilde.com/class