Who: Vic Dorfman – Founder of Speed Kills Hosting Company, MemberFix Rocks, and Just Record It Postcast Service
What We Talked About: Why you need a website that loads quickly and how to get one. Did you realize that if your website takes two seconds longer than normal to load than most websites, you lose half of your visitors? That means you lose half of your sales too! Vic walked us through the ins and outs of how to fix your website and start getting more traffic today.
Why I Like Vic: He knows how to talk about subjects that would bore most entrepreneurs in a way that’s easy-to-understand and in a way that actually gets you interested! By the time you’re done with this interview, you’ll be fired up to actually DO what he tells you to do!
Great Line: Stop being a wussy and just do it.
Where to Learn More: http://www.vicdorfman.com, http://www.speedkills.io, http://www.memberfix.rocks, http://www.justrecord.it