Who: Kristina Kuzmic – Speaker, Oprah Winner, and YouTube Sensation
What We Talked About: How she went from being known as YouTube’s “Sticky Cook” to winning Oprah’s search for a new TV star to now being a sought-after speaker. Kristina explained that life isn’t about giving in to your insecurities, instead, it’s about embracing them and continuing to move toward your dreams.
Why I Like Kristina: While she claims she is a recovering pessimist, the truth is, she is offering a message of hope for anyone who has ever felt vulnerable about stepping into the spotlight. With the perfect mix of humor and inspiration, it’s easy to see why she is taking the world by storm.
Great Line: Life is so full of curves, you have to be willing to go along for the ride.
Where to Learn More: http://www.kristinakuzmic.com