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Feel Good. Make Money.

Who:  Dana Wilde – Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of The Mind Aware Show

What This Show is About: Three Feel Good Tips That Will Make You More Money

Are you working hard and feel like you’re spinning your wheels?   Would you like your business to grow faster, but don’t feel like you can “DO” any more?  Listen in to this special episode of The Mind Aware Show and Dana will share her top three “feel good” tips for putting more money in your pocket NOW!

On The Mind Aware Show, Dana Wilde addresses your most pressing questions about marketing, mindset, standing out in your niche, and more.  She wants to help YOU grow your business the Train Your Brain way. This means making money by being happy and getting paid to be YOU! Click here to submit a request to be a guest on the show:

Where to Learn More:

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We have launched a PRIVATE club for top Brain Trainers! It’s a place where you can share ideas, tips, and stories and learn from others how to make money by being happy and getting paid for being YOU! Check out The Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club HERE!